The real estate industry has become one of the most lucrative businesses these days. Most people are faced with the decision of whether to buy or build a house. The cost of renting apartments has increased due to the demand on housing. Most people today prefer to buy their own houses rather than to keep paying rent. Many banks have also seen a niche in housing and are competitively offering low interest mortgage loans. All this is done in a bid to attract customers. To get a mortgage however requires proof of funds. This is a way to show that you will be able to pay for the loan if the bank gives it to you.

Whether you are getting a mortgage plan from a bank or a realtor proof of funds is a requirement. This is not only a way to show that the buyer will be able to pay for the house in the long run but is also a way to show that the buyer has down payment. Most of the times the seller will keep the house on the market till the buyer have shown proof.  It is thus advisable that the buyer gets this as soon as possible because again houses are always in demand.

Proof of funds is usually required most of the time if the buyer is going to pay in cash. They thus need to proof that the cash actually exists and that it is readily available as well.  This is usually done by the buyer producing an original bank statement; if they have access to online banking then they can also produce the online bank statement.  These are some of the ways that someone is allowed to show proof that they have the money. It is thus important that one deposits all their money in a bank account to proof that it exists.

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