Home and kitchen refurbishment has become the main concern of many home owners in today’s world. Each and every home buyer is looking to add a bit of their personality to their home in any way they can. Thus some rooms serve as stages for this phenomenon than others. The main rooms that are focused on are the living rooms and the kitchen. Of the two, the one that experiences more attention is the kitchen. In addition to that, the most outstanding part of the kitchen is the furniture in it, more so the kitchen cabinets. One’s choice of kitchen cabinets can make your kitchen area look dull or change it into something sophisticated. According to professional contractors Radstone, there are two major forms of cabinets. These include the modular or semi-custom type and custom kitchen cabinets.

Versatility is one of the greatest advantages that cabinets have over other forms of storage like drawers and suchlike. Kitchen cabinets can be installed virtually anywhere in the kitchen. They can be installed on the wall, under the counter and even in the corners of the rooms. For the wall cabinets, they are generally placed right above the counter and this is the most common style of cabinet placement. Wall placed cabinets are generally for the storage of smaller items which are often used like drinking glasses and seasoning. Moreover, wall cabinets are generally twelve inches deep and are mounted to their bottoms at approximately 18 to 24 inches over the top of the kitchen counter.

When it comes to under the counter cabinets, they are usually lined up to align with the kitchen counter. They are generally larger in size than wall mounted kitchen cabinets.  They are usually constructed to have the same colour and style as the wall mounted cabinets. They are usually meant for the storage of larger things like cooking pots and appliances.

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